Avatar to Kronos

Generate chained avatar commands based on a Roblox user's current avatar

Built by Waviest, view sause code on GitHub

SettingsIcon Settings

Delay per four commands:
(4-6s is the sweet spot for Kronos)

Clear all accessories when ran

Clear shirt when ran

Clear t-shirt when ran

Clear pants when ran

Ignore shirt

Ignore t-shirt

Ignore pants

Ignore accessories

Ignore face

Ignore torso body colour

Regenerate chain on value change

ImportIcon Create


Wearing Accessories:

CopyResultIcon Result

Share link:

[ Disclaimer ]
Due to the Roblox API's CORS configuration, this website relies on a backend (that makes the requests for you) ran by me and not Roblox
Blame the web team for disallowing webpages to request to their API
I do not store any data related to your requests
Please be responsible when using other people's avatars